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rachel jackson
Oct 30, 20182 min read
My Mom Does New Zealand
My mom came to visit us in New Zealand and it was great. This happened back in July, which is winter, for those of you who are from the...
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rachel jackson
Sep 12, 201810 min read
Kia Ora, welcome to the blog of differences.
From the first day we moved here, the most consistent question has been, "What is different?" So, starting back in February, I began...
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rachel jackson
Aug 8, 20185 min read
The Great Escape, the incredible tale of the quarantine jail break.
We don’t have kids. Hold on mom, before you panic, they are on the bucket list - just not yet. In the meantime, we have our fur babies. I...
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rachel jackson
Jun 19, 20181 min read
Incredibly Behind
So, I am incredibly behind on posting, but I was sitting here thinking about home. My friends and the patio days they are having,...
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rachel jackson
Feb 18, 20182 min read
Moving Abroad: What do I do with all my shit?
Packing and Shipping To ship or not to ship, that is the question. I had no idea what I was getting into when we started to pack. What do...
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rachel jackson
Jan 18, 20181 min read
Moving Abroad: wait, what?
That's right! We are taking the plunge and moving to New Zealand. Well, we decided to take the leap we've always dreamed about and move...
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